Hepatitis is a fairly common disorder of the liver. Hepatitis means injury and inflammation of the liver cells. Types of Viral Hepatitis: There are several kinds viral hepatitis discovered, of which, the common ones are mentioned and described as under :


Hepatitis A and E: is transmitted by the means of infected food and water. They are reson for for acute hepatitis

Hepatitis B and C: The hepatitis B virus is spread by the means of contact with infected blood, semen and other body fluids. This infection can be acquired by unprotected intercourse with an affected partner, use of HBV (hepatitis B virus) infected syringes, sharing toothbrush, piercings and razor of an HBV infected person, transfusion of HBV infected blood, etc. It can also be transmitted to the baby from an infected mother. They are reason for chronic hepatitis and Cirrhosis

Symptoms of Hepatitis :

The symptoms of hepatitis are variable, some of which are mentioned as under, classified according to acute phase and long phase hepatitis.

Acute phase hepatitis symptoms

Flu-like illness
Easy fatigue
Loss of weight
loss of appetite
abdominal pain
muscle and joint pain
nausea and vomiting
Problems with blood circulation (only in drug induced hepatitis)
Dark colored urine
Enlarged spleen
Itchy skin
Yellowing of skin, eyes and nails
Light colored feces, which may also contain pus

Treatments for Hepatitis

Hepatitis A :

There is no specific treatment for Hepatitis A. However, the doctor shall advise you to abstain from meat, oil, alcohol, etc. This type of hepatitis resolves itself within days.

Hepatitis B :

Hepatitis B patients need bed rest. They also need a diet that comprises proteins and carbohydrates, which the liver requires for the repair of damaged cells. The doctor may also advise Interferon, which is an anti-viral agent, according to the patient’s condition.May be treated by drugs like Tenofovir Alfenamide, Enticavir.

Hepatitis C :

Such patients are usually prescribed with anti-viral drugs such as pegylated interferon and ribavirin. Good news is that it can be cured with 3 months of anti-viral drugs such as Sofosbuvir, Velpatsavir,Daclatsvir, Ledispavir.


NASH stands for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. It describes the condition of a fatty liver which is inflamed. The incidence of NASH is more in people who are overweight or obese.
This disease of the liver may not necessarily present with signs and symptoms, and the patient may feel normal. However, NASH may lead to a condition of liver known as ‘cirrhosis’, which is the advanced stage of the disease in which, the liver gets hardened and quite damaged.
Fatigue may present as a symptom at any stage of the disease When NASH advances, weight loss and weakness may occur. Weight loss is also a symptom of cirrhosis. One may suspect NASH if blood tests of the patient reveal high levels of liver enzymes, and also if the scans show fatty deposition in liver.
Further diagnosis and examination of NASH requires biopsy, which can be performed by obtaining a piece of liver tissue.
NASH patients must work upon reduction of weight, should avoid alcohol, increase physical activity, and keep away from unnecessary drug intake.